公司重視雞群健康與生物安全,並由種源做起防治病原體對食物鏈的侵襲,為確保雞群健康狀態與提升健康水平,要求員工的操作與活動都需嚴格遵照完善的生物安全制度,管理嚴格並符合ISO 22000認證,提供國人安全無虞的生鮮雞肉來源。

台灣哈巴成立於民國73年(1984),長期致力於台灣家禽農業經濟發展,三十年前開始進口優良遺傳基因的白肉雞品系,為目前國內具有規模之肉用種雞及商用肉雞之生產農場,及英國ROSS肉用種雞台灣總代理,公司採用歐美先進之設備及技術,生產優質品系的父母代肉種雞及商用肉雛雞,民國103年(2014)起與世界第一大蛋種雞品系德國LOHMANN (羅曼)公司合作,引進優良遺傳基因的父母代蛋種雞,供應品質優良的蛋雛雞給蛋農飼養生產商用雞蛋。

台灣哈巴為台灣三大原種白肉種雞品種之一、也是全台唯一一家擁有祖父母代、父母代及商用肉雞的專業畜牧場,長期育種品牌推廣下,ROSS品系已經受到業界肯定,公司飼養端垂直整合的供應鏈、飼養管理、與技術服務提供給父母代客戶高產蛋率與孵化率、也給與商用肉雞客戶高的料肉轉換效率與增重表現。公司也重視雞群健康與生物安全,並由種源做起防治病原體對食物鏈的侵襲,為確保雞群健康狀態與提升健康水平,要求員工的操作與活動都需嚴格遵照完善的生物安全制度,管理嚴格並符合ISO 22000認證,提供國人安全無虞的生鮮雞肉來源。


Fortune Taiwan was established in 1984, devoting to the development of poultry economy in Taiwan for years. Thirty years ago, Fortune Taiwan started to import good-genes broiler strain. Fortune Taiwan is one of the largest farms of broiler breeders and commercial broilers in Taiwan. Taiwan Hubbard GPS Farm Ltd is also the distributor of ROSS, a broiler breeder strain in England. With advanced equipment and techniques from Western, Fortune Taiwan is able to breed high quality strain of PS broiler breeders and commercial broiler chicks. Cooperating with the largest Layer Breeder Company in the world, LOHMANN TIERZUCHT since 2014. Not only import good genes of PS layer breeders, but also provide high quality pullets to farmers for producing commercial eggs.

Fortune Taiwan owns one of broiler breeder strains among three original strains in Taiwan. Taiwan Hubbard GPS Farm Ltd is the only professional farm owns GPS, PS and commercial broilers. The strain, Ross, is highly recognized by the industry due to long term breeding promotion. Fortune Taiwan has vertical integration on supply chain. By providing management guidance and technical services, PS customers reach high laying rate and hatchability while broiler customers achieve high FCR and excellent weight-gaining performance. The health of chickens and biosecurity are priorities. Preventing invasion of pathogen from food chain is the foundation. In order to ensure the health condition of flocks and enhance health level, Fortune Taiwan requests employees to obey biosecurity instructions strictly while operating. With strict management and ISO 22000 certification, Fortune Taiwan offers fresh and safe chicken to compatriots.

Fortune Taiwan owns one of layer strains among five strains in Taiwan as well. Supplying LOHMANN layer pullets to farmers for producing commercial eggs since 2014. LOHMANN layers possess characteristics of easy-rearing, high survival rate, outstanding FCR, plenty eggs, great profits and so on. Layer farmers massively breed LOHMANN and give recognition and appreciation.